Creature Database

Creature Database
Listed here are all the various creatures you can find in PixARK.

Look up detail information for each creature by clicking on the links. Base statistics, attacks, harvesting/taming information is provided and more.

Creature Database / Lookup
Normal Tameable
Ankylo - Beelzebufo - Big-Ear Rabbit - Carbonemys - Carnotaurus - Compy - Coyote - Dilophosaurus - Direwolf - Dodo - Doedicurus - Dungbeetle - Emperor Scorpion - Gigantopithecus - Oviraptor - Pachy - Paracer - Parasaur - Phiomia - Procoptodon - Raptor - Sarco - Sauropod - Stegosaurus - T. Rex - Terror Bird - Triceratops

Can Fly: Argentavis - Firefly - Onyc - Pteranodon - Quetzal -

Fish: Angler - Ichthyosaurus - Manta - Megalodon - Puffer
Titanomyrma Drone - Titanomyrma Soldier

Can Fly: Dragonfly

Fish: Coelacanth - Megapiranha 
Magical Tameable
Armadillo - Baby Treant - Centaur - Elemental Golem - Felhunter - Fire Elemental - Fire Spider - Fungus Beast - Gem Spider - Giant Claw Mole - Icebear - Ice Elemental - Icicle Dragon - Megarock Dragon - Mushroom - Petroleum Slime - Shadow Leopard - Slime - Specter Wolf - Thorny Boar - Treant

Can Fly: Fairy Dragon - Gargoyle - Ghost Dragon - Gryphon - Pegasus - Soul Reaper

Fish: Hippocampus
Cyclops - Elemental Spirit - Flame Demon - Goblin King - Goblin - Minotaur - Panda - Plague Zombie - Skeleton - Specter - Werewolf - Zombie
Behemoth - Death Lord - Flame Dragon - Large Sea Slime - Mummy King - Ice Fairy

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